What is Integrative and Alternative Medicine
Let me just say right here, I am not an expert on the issue. I do not have the answers. I am searching just as I hope you will search. However, here are my thoughts on what I believe these to be.
So, what is integrative and alternative medicine and why are so many of us afraid to look at anything that is not completely “conventional?” Why are we so quick to think of it as “woo woo medicine?”
Alternative medicine, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is any of various systems of healing or treating disease (such as chiropractic, homeopathy, or faith healing) not included in the traditional medical curricula of the U.S. and Britain. I have also seen it defined as, healing practices that do not fall within the realm of conventional medicine.
Integrative medicine looks at the body, mind and soul and integrates science-based strategies that work together, using what we know as conventional and alternative.
It would be hard to find anyone in this day and age who has not had cancer or know someone close to them who has. And we all know the horror stories associated with it. And yet, there are many who still believe that conventional is the only way. I chose not to have chemo, but looked for other options. As sick as I was when I was finally diagnosed, I truly believe I would have died if I just had chemo.
I think to really understand this we need to talk about our tribes. Do you belong to a tribe? Chances are you do. A tribe can be a sports group, your church, family, your work. Your tribe can be a wonderful place. We like to be a part of family and friends and for many of us part of a church group, where we feel comfortable with people just like us who love us and support us. We can also be part of a work group where we support and promote others, as well as being supported and promoted by others. So yes, a tribe is a good thing. However, what if we are too comfortable and start to think like everyone else and do not question if there is a better way?
How do we overcome this? When faced with a crisis are you willing to think outside the box, or will you feel hopeless and believe there isn’t another way?
I would like to know what you or someone you know has done that is either integrative or alternative to find healing when faced with cancer. This is where you can share your comments and start a dialogue to let others know they have options.