I had the opportunity to be a part of the Payson Book Festival in Payson, Arizona.  It was so much fun meeting other authors and listening to their stories, and it was equally exciting to talk to the visitors as they stopped by my table to share their stories.

It was my first time at this event and there was so much optimism.  Everyone was so helpful, and you could feel the enthusiasm in the group as they wanted each person to feel welcome.

With over eighty authors in attendance, you can imagine the diversity in stories, not to mention the diversity in people.  And yet, there was a comradery here that spoke to the beauty of diversity, we didn’t all have to think alike to respect each other and the work it took to write a story.  Your story might be different from my story, but we all have a right to tell our story.  With more and more people self-publishing it is giving even more people the freedom to tell their stories.

What is your story?  The world needs to hear what you have to say.  I believe that God created us all a little different and until we are okay to be our authentic self and quit trying to be the person we think we should be or the person someone else thinks we should be, our story will go unheard.

As I reflected back on this book festival, I couldn’t help but compare the diversity and respect for one another with the current day affairs of diversity and the narrative that says you need to think just like me.  And if you don’t think like me then you should be censored and shut down.

I have shared with many of you my story of falling through the cracks in the medical community.  I was told over the phone I had cancer and that I should go to the emergency room immediately so they could start chemo. 

That began my search for new doctors and new treatments that would save my life.  As I started researching alternative and integrative treatments for cancer, I was overwhelmed by the information that I found.  Why did I not know this?  Did I believe everything I watched and read?  Absolutely not.  But I was happy to do the research and find out what would work for me.  Some of it quite frankly took me way outside my box of what I thought.

And now as I watch people and groups being banned from social media because they don’t have the narrative that someone wants us to believe, I have to ask the question, “why?”

Quite frankly as I watch people and groups being banned from social media, I am seeing a shocking pattern.  It is the same groups and people who allowed me to do my own research and believe that there could be a better way to heal from cancer, who are now being banned because they are proposing alternatives to the narrative that is being portrayed as the only way to fight viruses.

I believe that because my cancer was so far advanced, I would have died if I went the conventional route with liquid chemo.  What if I would not have had the opportunity to hear the other side of the story?  When did we lose the ability to resolve problems and decide for ourselves what we choose to do?  When did we give this power over to someone else?

I know there are many people who will disagree with the article.  However, I think back to that day when I knew how sick I was and God woke me up with these words….they meant it for evil, but I meant it for good. And then this was followed by Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord’ plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  I knew that I needed to tell my story, because if I didn’t know there were alternatives, I was pretty sure others didn’t know either.  I made a decision at that time to let people know they have options and can choose for themselves.  Don’t let anyone take that away from you and make decisions for you.  Someday you may be on the wrong side of the narrative telling you what to believe.  I will continue to share my story to let others know they have options.


  1. Elizabeth Verhoeks on July 28, 2021 at 6:47 pm

    Great article, Mary! The attempt to cancel our right to think outside the box is an assault on our God given freedom. As of now, we still have the right to search our hearts, use our minds, do our own research, and follow our instincts on decisions regarding our own health matters. But, if we don’t assert those rights, and fight to keep them, we may soon find that we have lost them…

    • Mary Rechkemmer-Meyer on July 28, 2021 at 10:04 pm

      Thank you Liz for sharing your insights on a topic a lot of people would rather ignore. Thank you also for taking a stand and encouraging others.

  2. Holly on July 30, 2021 at 1:36 am

    Great article Mary!! I couldn’t agree with you more!!

    • Mary Rechkemmer-Meyer on August 1, 2021 at 7:07 pm

      Thank you Holly for sharing.