In my journey to healing, I found integrative treatments for cancer.  Part of which, was a diet of plant-based eating known by some people as vegan.  I had tried to eat this way once before in my life, after reading the book, “The China Study,” by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II.  The first sentence on the back of their book sums it up nicely:  The science is clear.  The results are unmistakable.  You can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes just by changing your diet. 

The first time I tried to eat plant based I was not successful, because I ate too many processed foods.  After being diagnosed with cancer and told a plant-based diet was part of the integrative treatment, I knew that this time I would figure it out.  To say it has been easy for me would not be entirely true.  It has been a process for me.

I have recently started a plant-based dinner group along with Dr. Edelita Jamis.  Dr. Jamis is an Internal Medicine doctor certified by The American Board of Internal Medicine and The American College of Lifestyle Medicine.  Lifestyle Medicine is an evidence based medical specialty.  It uses lifestyle therapeutic intervention, including a predominantly whole food plant-based eating pattern, regular physical exercise, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances, and positive social connection.  Her purpose is to help as many patients as possible who seek to be free from medications and their ailments so that they can genuinely live longer, happier, and be more productive.  You can visit Dr. Jamis at

Our plant-based dinner group meets monthly, and everyone is asked to bring a dish to share and the recipe for that dish, so that we may all learn from each other and continue to grow as we look for and share new ideas to stay healthy.

This will be yet another journey on the path of learning, growing and helping others.  Although, the China Study was the first book I read on plant-based eating, there are many books and documentaries that support the same ideas.

While I know not everyone will be interested in eating plant based, I will continue to share my story with the hope of helping others, to know they have options, and can decide what is right for themselves.  If you would like more information, you can contact me through my website at