I would not be the person I am today without leaders who went before me and encouraged me to be the best me I could be.  After writing the book, I Meant It for Good:  A Memoir of Dreaming, Visualizing, and Becoming My Authentic Self, I knew I had left out many of the stories of people showing up in my life and helping me along the way.  I am grateful to everyone in my life who has invested in me over the years.

Looking back, I realize that this didn’t just happen.  When faced with an adversity or a new opportunity in my life, I would often tell myself that I was too old, too young, couldn’t afford it or didn’t know how to do it.  There were times when I just couldn’t move forward and during those times no one magically showed up to help me get to the next level.

The truth of the matter is that I had to seek out leaders.  Before I could afford coaching, I volunteered to work alongside others for free to learn the skills that they already possessed.  I began to seek out leaders and ask them questions and what I found was that they loved giving back and sharing what they had learned along the way. 

After I started my own business, I found I was out of balance in so many areas of my life and it was then that I hired a personal coach.  I will be forever grateful for this experience and I would not have been able to dream and visualize the life I am now living without help.

Where can we let our light shine and help others?  I believe it is right where we are planted, right now, today.  And I know the objections that will come up in our minds.  However, there are so many things we can do…a smile, a kind word, and for those of you who have the hardest of all jobs right now, raising children, your greatest gift is to instill your values in your children and lead them to greatness so they will be the light in this world.

I have started a coaching program to share with others the things I have learned along the way.  I am so incredibly blessed, and it gives me great joy to invest in my client’s lives and participate in their journey of growth, as they master goal setting.

I understand, that just like me when I first started seeking answers, not everyone can afford a personal coach.  For that reason, I have designed the Dream and Visualize Virtual Class that will be coming soon.  You can join me for this free monthly virtual class by signing up on my website.   Each class will be based on a chapter from my book, I Meant It for Good:  A Memoir of Dreaming, Visualizing, and Becoming My Authentic Self, and it will be used as a tool to master goal setting.  More information on coaching and the virtual class can be found on my website at https://maryrechkemmermeyer.com/coaching-and-speaking/

Let’s all let our light shine and be a beacon to others. 


  1. Maegaret Hoffmann on June 23, 2020 at 10:21 pm

    Your a Daymaker, Mary!
    Your so generous with your time and talents…
    Feeling Blessed..

    • Mary Rechkemmer-Meyer on June 24, 2020 at 4:01 am

      Thank you Margaret. I am blessed.

    • Linda Morton on June 29, 2020 at 5:30 pm

      Remembering our years together at the phone company! Talk about dinosaur days! We’ve come a long way baby! God has been good to both of us, using the hard places in life to grow us up as we fix our eyes on HIM! (2Corinthisns 4:14-16) Be blessed as you continue mentoring others! ❤️Linda

      • Mary Rechkemmer-Meyer on June 29, 2020 at 11:58 pm

        Linda, I have fond memories! Who knew how much “growing up” we would have to do. Blessings to you my friend!

  2. Holly Sommer on June 24, 2020 at 1:08 am

    Mary, what a wonderful thing to do!! You have come so far and now want to give back to others! May God bless you in this Mary!

    • Mary Rechkemmer-Meyer on June 24, 2020 at 4:01 am

      Thank you Holly. I appreciate your kind words.

  3. jean slack on June 24, 2020 at 5:18 am

    You are a special strong lady. May you be so blessed by helping others to grow in their faith and life. Love you and so proud of you.
    Jean Slack

    • Mary Rechkemmer-Meyer on June 24, 2020 at 6:15 pm

      Thank you Jean for following me on this journey. Blessings to you.