We hear a lot about being grateful and writing in a gratitude journal, but how many of us are actually doing this? I don’t know about you, but I run into a lot of unhappy people who aren’t practicing gratitude. I’ve been thinking more and more about gratitude as we get closer to Thanksgiving. Is Thanksgiving just a holiday, a day off work or is it more to us than that? What are we thankful for? Those of us who were born and grew up in the United States won the lottery by just being born here…the land of opportunity…are we thankful for our basic needs, are we thankful for the opportunities we have?
How did we become a country in so much conflict? When did we forget to be thankful?
Being grateful is like skipping. You can’t skip and be grateful when you are angry and depressed. I think for most of us some days are easier than others to be grateful. If you are angry and depressed it’s much harder to be grateful.
Can we choose to be grateful? In a previous article I wrote, “Can We Choose Joy?” I think the answer in both areas is yes. Is it easy? No.
There are times in my life when it is easier to be thankful than others. But what if we practiced gratitude every day? What if we kept the gratitude journal we talk about? What would we even write in a gratitude journal? I would suggest you start where you are at. If you aren’t feeling particularly grateful just start writing. Start with your basic needs…are these being met? Are you thankful for friends and family? Are you thankful for the sunshine? What about a warm house? When you first start a gratitude journal you may only have a couple things you are thankful for. That’s okay. But once you start writing it is easier to keep adding to the list. You will be amazed at how your list of things to be grateful for grows and how your energy will shift also.
There is power in gratitude. What if we could change the way we think and feel by being grateful? What if we could be so grateful that it would shine through us and help others? Who do you like to be around? People who are grateful and happy or people who are negative and can’t see the good in anything or anyone around them?
At this Thanksgiving time I am thankful for my faith, for the love of my family and friends, for my health and for life itself, for sunshine to warm my soul, for freedom and for opportunities that are endless. I am thankful to believe I can dream…visualize…and live my authentic life.
What are you grateful for? What do you have in place to practice gratitude? Do you offer prayers of thanksgiving or do you have a gratitude journal? Do walks in nature help you to be grateful for all that you have? Please take the time to share your ideas in the comments below so that we can all learn from each other.
I practice gratitude in almost every encounter. When someone says “ Hi, how are you?”
I always reply “ Grateful”. It defines how I feel and many times , someone will say “ I
like that answer….and then they start doing the same. It’s a great place to be, being grateful and thankful. Yes, the more grateful one is, the more there is to be grateful for…
Just this simple answer is one way I practice gratitude…
I love your encouraging , uplifting words. You have been blessed and continue to be a blessing to others. Sharing your journey takes courage but is an awesome gift , full of wisdom, and knowledge…so inspiring! Thank you for putting yourself out there!
Margaret, I love that you answer others with, “I am grateful.” You are an encouragement to many of us and have always been a cheerleader. Thank you for your kind words.